Unanswered Questions: The Puzzling Loot Mechanics in Destiny 2

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One Thing That Has Never Made Sense About ‘Destiny 2’ Looting

Destiny 2, the popular online multiplayer video game developed by Bungie, has left players scratching their heads with one aspect of its gameplay – looting. While the game offers exciting loot drops and rewards, there is one thing that has never quite made sense to players.

Inconsistent Loot Drops

One of the major issues players have encountered is the inconsistency in loot drops. Despite investing a significant amount of time and effort into challenging activities, there seems to be no guarantee of receiving good loot. Transitioning from one activity to another, players are often left disappointed and frustrated with the lackluster rewards.

Relying on Luck

One of the core mechanics of Destiny 2 revolves around RNG (Random Number Generator), which determines the loot drops. While randomness can add excitement and variety to the game, it becomes a major frustration when it impacts the overall progression of players. Many have complained that they feel their efforts are not adequately rewarded, as the loot drops seem to heavily rely on luck rather than skill or commitment.

Exclusion of Bad Luck Protection Mechanism

Another point of contention among players is the lack of a bad luck protection mechanism. In other loot-based games, developers often implement systems that increase the chances of obtaining desirable rewards when players experience a series of unlucky loot drops. However, Destiny 2 seems to do away with such a system, leaving players at the mercy of the RNG with no safety net to fall back on.

Resulting in Burnout

The frustration caused by the inconsistent loot drops and the absence of a bad luck protection mechanism has led many players to experience burnout. Spending hours grinding for better gear, only to be met with disappointment, can drain the enthusiasm of even the most dedicated players. This ultimately leads to reduced engagement and a negative impact on the overall player experience.

Bungie’s Response

While Bungie has acknowledged the concerns raised by the player base regarding looting, they have not provided any concrete plans to address these issues. However, they have assured players that they are constantly monitoring player feedback and actively working on enhancing the game’s mechanics to provide a more rewarding looting experience.


Looting mechanics in Destiny 2 have always been a point of contention among players. The inconsistent loot drops, heavy reliance on luck, and exclusion of a bad luck protection mechanism have all contributed to frustration and burnout. As the Destiny 2 community awaits a resolution, it remains to be seen if Bungie will make any significant changes to improve the looting system and regain the trust of their devoted players.

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