Top 64 Usage Stats Revealed for Capcom Cup X, One Player Missing

Baca Juga:


A recent report released by Capcom Cup X has revealed the distribution statistics for the Last Chance Qualifier event. The data highlights the top 64 players who participated in the competition, showcasing their performance and overall stats.

Missing Character

Among the top 64 players, only one character is missing from the usage stats. This surprising revelation has sparked discussions among fans and analysts, with many speculating about the reasons behind this anomaly.


Speculations are running rampant about the identity of the missing character. Some claim it could be a lesser-known character that didn’t make an impact in the tournament, while others believe it might be a popular character who unexpectedly fell out of favor with the players.


Analyzing the usage stats of the top 64 players provides valuable insights into the current meta and player preferences. Examining the reasons behind the absence of a particular character can shed light on the shifting dynamics of the competitive scene and offer clues about future trends.


As the discussions around the missing character continue to unfold, the Capcom Cup X Last Chance Qualifier remains a topic of interest for fans and players alike. The distribution statistics provide a comprehensive overview of the event and serve as a valuable resource for understanding the competitive landscape in the fighting game community.

Baca Juga:

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