The Revival of Gamergate: A Diminished and Gloomy Comeback

Baca Juga:

Distribution of Gamergate Movement

The rise of the Gamergate movement in the gaming community has once again caught the attention of media outlets and industry insiders. Originating in 2014, the movement aimed to address concerns about ethics in gaming journalism and combat what some perceived as an overly politicized agenda in the industry.

Decrease in Size and Impact

However, the recent resurgence of Gamergate appears to be smaller in scale and impact compared to its initial rise in popularity. The movement, once characterized by intense online harassment and targeted attacks, has evolved into a more fringe movement with limited reach and influence.

Shift in Focus

Despite its diminished presence, the Gamergate movement has maintained its focus on issues related to censorship, political correctness, and alleged biases in gaming media. While some passionate supporters continue to champion these causes, the overall fervor and momentum of the movement have waned considerably in recent years.

Response from Industry

Many in the gaming industry have responded to the resurgence of Gamergate with caution and concern. Some developers and journalists have expressed worries about the potential for renewed harassment and toxicity within the community. Others have called for a renewed commitment to diversity and inclusion in gaming to combat the negative aspects associated with the movement.


As the Gamergate movement makes a smaller and sadder comeback, it serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by the gaming community in addressing issues of ethics, diversity, and inclusivity. While the movement may no longer be as prominent as it once was, its impact and legacy continue to shape conversations within the industry.

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