Tesla App Enhancements: Ultra Wideband Support Added to Enhance Phone Keys Experience

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Tesla App Gains Ultra Wideband Support to Improve Phone Keys

Tesla has announced that its mobile app is now equipped with ultra wideband (UWB) support, enabling enhanced functionality for phone keys. With this new feature, Tesla owners can conveniently unlock and start their vehicles using their smartphones with increased reliability and security.

Advancement in Phone Key Technology

The integration of ultra wideband technology in the Tesla mobile app represents a significant advancement in the realm of phone key technology. Ultra wideband is a short-range wireless communication protocol that utilizes a broader bandwidth than traditional Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. This technology enables highly precise spatial awareness, allowing for more accurate tracking and communication between devices.

Enhanced Reliability and Security

By incorporating ultra wideband support, Tesla aims to enhance the reliability and security of its phone key feature. The increased precision enabled by UWB allows for a more seamless and secure connection between the Tesla mobile app and the vehicle. This means that Tesla owners can have even more confidence in the reliability of their phone keys, reducing the need for physical key fobs.

Improved User Experience

The improved functionality provided by UWB support in the Tesla app offers a more convenient user experience for owners. With the app acting as their phone key, Tesla owners no longer have to worry about carrying around a separate key fob. This simplifies their daily interactions with the vehicle, allowing for a seamless unlocking and starting process through their smartphones.

Future Potential for UWB Integration

The addition of ultra wideband support in the Tesla app opens up possibilities for future integration with other technologies and applications. UWB technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including smart home automation, asset tracking, and indoor positioning systems. Tesla’s adoption of UWB in its mobile app further solidifies the company’s commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.

Availability and Compatibility

Tesla owners can take advantage of the new ultra wideband support by ensuring they have the latest version of the mobile app installed on their smartphones. Additionally, UWB functionality is available on Tesla vehicles equipped with the necessary hardware, such as the Model 3, Model Y, and upcoming models. Furthermore, Tesla owners should check their smartphone’s compatibility to ensure seamless integration.


With the integration of ultra wideband technology in its mobile app, Tesla is providing its owners with an improved user experience and enhanced security for their phone keys. The adoption of UWB support demonstrates Tesla’s continuous efforts to utilize cutting-edge technologies for the benefit of its customers. As UWB technology continues to advance, we can expect further innovations and integration in various industries, further enhancing the convenience and efficiency of everyday life.

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