2 min read

Over 28,500 Exchange Servers at Risk Due to Actively Exploited Vulnerability

A recent security report has revealed that over 28,500 Microsoft Exchange servers are currently vulnerable to an actively exploited bug. This vulnerability has the potential to allow threat actors to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information stored on these servers.

3 min read

Security Alert: All Linux Distributions Vulnerable to Critical Shim Bootloader Flaw

A recently discovered critical vulnerability in the Shim bootloader has left all Linux distributions vulnerable to attacks. The flaw, identified as CVE-2021-24298, poses a significant threat to the security of Linux systems worldwide.

2 min read

Juniper Networks Devices Face Massive Vulnerability to Remote Code Execution Exploit

Juniper Networks, a leading provider of networking technologies, has recently discovered a critical Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in thousands of its devices. This alarming discovery has raised significant concerns within the cybersecurity community, as it poses a severe risk to the integrity and security of these network infrastructures.

3 min read

Terrapin Attacks: Over 11 Million SSH Servers Worldwide Are Vulnerable

According to recent reports, an alarming number of SSH servers worldwide, totaling almost 11 million, are at risk of being targeted by a new wave of cyber attacks known as Terrapin. This discovery has sent shockwaves through the cybersecurity community as experts scramble to find preventative measures against this emerging threat.