2 min read

OpenAI’s ChatGPT levels up with new ‘Read Aloud’ voiceover feature

Enhanced Communication
By incorporating voiceover capabilities, ChatGPT can now more effectively communicate with users who prefer audio interactions. This new feature provides an additional level of accessibility and convenience for those who may have difficulty reading text on a screen.

2 min read

Ex-Halo Devs Speak Up About Proposed ODST Game Similar to Helldivers 2

Former developers of the popular video game series Halo have recently spoken out regarding an alleged pitch for a new game that bears resemblance to the highly acclaimed Helldivers 2-style game.

3 min read

Early Warning System: Speak And Be Saved App Predicts Heart Attacks in Advance

Heart disease continues to be one of the leading causes of death worldwide, with heart failure being a major concern. However, a groundbreaking mobile application called Speak And Be Saved is changing the game by detecting heart failure weeks before an attack occurs.

3 min read

2) “Breaking News: Prince of Persia Breaks Silence in Native Language, Persian

For years, fans of the popular action-adventure video game *Prince of Persia* have eagerly awaited a development that would bring the game closer to its Persian roots. The game, set in ancient Persia, with its intricate storyline and stunning visuals, has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. However, one aspect that has bothered enthusiasts is the absence of Persian dialogue in the game. But now, their wishes may finally be granted.