2 min read

Microsoft Copilot AI Chatbot Under Fire for Questionable Answers on Teaching Sex to Preschoolers

Educators and parents are expressing alarm over the responses given by Microsoft Copilot, an AI chatbot, when asked about teaching sensitive topics such as sex education, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and LGBTQ issues to preschool-aged children.

3 min read

1) “Sex Educator Debunks the Myth: Long-Term Relationships Can Maintain Passionate Desire

We often hear the misconception that desire in long-term relationships fades over time. As a sex educator, I’m here to debunk this myth and shed light on the truth. Desire can be nurtured and maintained in long-term relationships with the right mindset and effort.

3 min read

Sexual Indiscretion: How to Navigate the Aftermath of a Regrettable Night

Last night, in a moment of impulsiveness, my friend and I made a decision that we now deeply regret. As the sun rises on a new day, we feel burdened by the weight of our secret. It’s crucial to address the consequences of our actions and seek resolution, as her unsuspecting boyfriend remains completely oblivious.

11 min read

Cult of the Lamb Experiences Massive Boost in Player Count Following Controversial Sex Update

The highly anticipated video game, **Cult of the Lamb**, has seen an extraordinary surge in its player count, skyrocketing by a staggering 460% following its recent sex update. The game, developed by Devolver Digital, offers a unique blend of cult management and action-adventure gameplay, attracting a dedicated fan base since its release.