2 min read

Users Warned About Google’s AI Search Leading to Malicious Content

Google’s AI search feature has been found to be promoting malware and scams, according to recent reports. This disturbing revelation shows that even advanced technology like artificial intelligence is not immune to malicious actors taking advantage of vulnerabilities in the system.

2 min read

Controversy Erupts as Helldivers 2 Scam Listings Removed from Steam

Following reports of fraudulent listings for a Helldivers 2 game on Steam, the developers swiftly took action to remove the scam listings from the platform. The listings had caused confusion among players who were eagerly anticipating the release of the highly anticipated sequel.

2 min read

Consumer Investigation: Beware of Google Search Scams!

Recent consumer investigations have revealed that deceptive websites are manipulating Google search results to promote scams. This has raised concerns among internet users who rely on Google to find trustworthy information online.

3 min read

Security Researcher Exploits Apple Systems, Swindles $2.5M Worth of iPhones, Macs, and Gift Cards

In a shocking turn of events, a security researcher has been implicated in a major scam involving Apple systems, resulting in the theft of approximately $2.5 million worth of iPhones, Macs, and gift cards. The researcher, who was initially trusted by the tech giant, exploited their position to carry out this audacious act of fraud.

3 min read

Warning: New McAfee Google Chrome scam preying on internet users

Online scams continue to evolve as scammers come up with new ways to trick unsuspecting internet users into falling for their ploys. One such scam that is currently making the rounds involves a deceptive pop-up message that claims to be associated with the renowned antivirus software, McAfee. However, this pop-up is far from legitimate and poses a significant threat to computer security. It is crucial for users to be aware of this scam and take necessary precautions to protect themselves.

3 min read

Palworld Team Stands Firm: ‘Pokémon With Guns’ Survival Game is Legitimate, Not a Scam

In the midst of growing concerns and speculations, the developers behind Palworld, a highly-anticipated survival game described as ‘Pokémon with guns’, have stepped forward to address allegations of scamming. In a recent statement, the developers at Pocketpair firmly denied any wrongdoing and reassured the public that Palworld is indeed a legitimate project.

3 min read

Popular Pokémon Game Takes Center Stage, Debunks Scam Rumors

Pokémon fans around the world are buzzing with excitement as a new game, “Pokémon with Guns”, has been generating quite a stir. With the recent surge in popularity, some skeptics have raised concerns about the legitimacy of the game. However, the developers behind this unique gaming experience want to assure everyone that it is not a scam.

11 min read

3) WhatsApp deception: Man falls prey to £3,000 job scam, highlights need for caution

In a recent incident, I became a victim of a WhatsApp job scam message that resulted in a loss of £3,000. This experience has highlighted the need for awareness and precautionary measures to protect ourselves from such scams.

3 min read

New McAfee Initiative, Project Mockingbird, Aims to Thwart AI Voice Cloning Frauds

In a bid to combat the rising threat of AI voice clone scams, cybersecurity company McAfee has introduced an innovative solution named Project Mockingbird. With voice cloning technology becoming increasingly sophisticated, criminals have been using this technology to deceive people and carry out fraudulent activities. However, McAfee aims to put an end to this menace through its groundbreaking initiative.