3 min read

Grim Reality: Employees Forced to Move for Gaming Job, Ended Up Losing It

In the ever-evolving world of the video game industry, companies are being accused of implementing unethical practices by forcing employees to relocate only to lay them off shortly after. This alarming trend has left many employees in a state of uncertainty and has raised concerns about the treatment of workers in this booming sector.

3 min read

Apple Implements Relocation Policy: California Workers Pressured to Move to Texas

In a surprising move, tech giant Apple has decided to relocate a portion of its California-based workforce to the state of Texas. This decision has come as a shock to many employees, who are now faced with the difficult choice of uprooting their lives or finding new employment opportunities.

2 min read

San Diego’s AI Talent Resists Apple’s Relocation Plans to Austin

In a strategic decision, tech giant Apple is slated to relocate its Artificial Intelligence (AI) team from San Diego to Austin. However, this move has engendered mixed feelings among team members, with a majority expressing their unwillingness to relocate.