3 min read

Tekken 8 unveils game-changing technique for seamless execution of Electric Wind God Fist

Transition: In the world of gaming, fans of the widely popular fighting game series Tekken are eagerly awaiting the release of Tekken 8. Breaking news has surfaced that a new trick in the game will allow players to perform powerful moves with ease.

3 min read

Baldur’s Gate 3: Regret Strikes as Player’s Durge Honour Mode Experience Goes Awry

*BALDUR’S GATE 3, FAERUN* – In a shocking turn of events, a player of Baldur’s Gate 3 has recently expressed utter regret and frustration after attempting a playthrough on the dreaded Durge Honour Mode. The player, who wishes to remain anonymous, attempted the challenging mode in hopes of achieving ultimate glory, but was met instead with an immediate sense of remorse.