2 min read

Hills That Spell Doom for Owners of Subpar Vehicles

When it comes to bad cars, opinions are plentiful and varied. Some people may put up with a faulty transmission, while others can’t stand a finicky air conditioning system. However, there are a few universal complaints that seem to crop up again and again. These are the hills that many are willing to die on when it comes to bad cars.

2 min read

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Aerith’s Fate Finally Clarified for Fans

In the world of video games, Final Fantasy 7 is considered a classic by many. With the recent release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, fans are eagerly diving back into the beloved world of Gaia. One question that has been on the minds of fans is: does Aerith die in this version?

3 min read

Warning: Pokemon Game Carts at Risk of Total Failure, Players Advised to Make Backups

As the Pokemon craze continues to captivate players around the world, a new warning has been issued to trainers to safeguard their valuable game cartridges. With reports emerging of some carts dying completely, players are being urged to back up their data to prevent the loss of countless hours of progress.

3 min read

Ex-CEO of Activision Blizzard accused of sending Overwatch 2 to its demise on Steam

In a shocking revelation, a senior community manager at Activision Blizzard has claimed that the company’s former CEO, Bobby Kotick, deliberately sent the highly anticipated game Overwatch 2 to “die” on the Steam platform. The statement has sparked outrage among the gaming community and raised questions about the company’s motives.