2 min read

CD Projekt Red: No Microtransactions for Cyberpunk, Witcher Single Player Experiences

CD Projekt Red, the acclaimed studio behind hit games like “Cyberpunk 2077” and “The Witcher” series, has made it clear that they do not believe in implementing microtransactions in their single player games. In an industry where microtransactions have become increasingly prevalent, this stance sets them apart from many other game developers.

2 min read

Reports of People Returning Vision Pros Are Unfounded, Say Experts

In recent weeks, there have been numerous reports circulating on social media and news outlets claiming that people have been returning their Vision Pros products due to dissatisfaction with the quality. However, it is important to clarify that these reports are completely false and baseless.

3 min read

Pokemon Go Player Can’t Believe Unbelievable Egg-hatching Luck

A Pokemon Go player is in awe after experiencing an extraordinary stroke of luck with hatching eggs, an essential mechanic in the widely popular augmented reality game. The player, who wishes to remain anonymous, had their enthusiasm levels skyrocket when they stumbled upon rare Pokemon through hatching eggs.