Redesigned bottom bar coming to Google Maps

Baca Juga:


Google Maps is rolling out a redesigned bottom bar to its users, providing easier access to key features and services. The update comes after months of testing and feedback from users on how to improve the navigation experience.

Improved User Experience

With the new bottom bar, users will have quick access to key features such as directions, explore, saved, and contribute. This will make it easier for users to navigate the app and find information quickly. Additionally, the redesign includes a cleaner interface and updated icons for a more modern look.

Transition Word

Furthermore, Google Maps has also made changes to the design of the search bar and added new tabs for easier navigation. This will streamline the user experience and help people find what they’re looking for more efficiently.

Increased Efficiency

By redesigning the bottom bar and improving the overall interface, Google Maps aims to enhance the user experience and make it simpler for people to navigate and discover new places. This update demonstrates the company’s commitment to providing the best possible service to its users.


Overall, the redesigned bottom bar on Google Maps is a welcome change that will make navigating the app easier and more intuitive. Users can expect to see the update rolling out in the coming weeks, with more improvements and features to come in the future.

Baca Juga:

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