Palworld Developers Under Fire for Sneaky Censorship Implementation in Update

Baca Juga:


The latest update for popular game Palworld has faced backlash over unexpected changes to the game’s censorship policies.

Unexpected Changes Cause Controversy

Players were surprised to find that certain words and phrases were now being censored in the game, despite these changes not being mentioned in the patch notes.

Community Outrage

The Palworld community has expressed frustration and anger over the censorship, with many players taking to social media to voice their concerns.

Developer Response

In response to the backlash, the game’s developer released a statement acknowledging the issue and promising to address player feedback in future updates.

Uncertain Future

The future of Palworld remains uncertain as players wait to see how the developer will handle the censorship controversy and whether any further changes will be made.

Baca Juga:

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