Is LinkedIn the New TikTok? Social Media Platform Explores Video Feed

Baca Juga:

LinkedIn is Experimenting with a TikTok-Like Video Feed in Its App

LinkedIn, the professional networking platform, is making waves by introducing a new feature that resembles the popular video-sharing app TikTok. This move marks a significant shift for the platform, known for its more traditional approach to networking and job searching.


According to reports, LinkedIn has begun testing the TikTok-like video feed with a small group of users. This new feature allows users to scroll through short, looped videos created by other professionals on the platform. It is a clear departure from the text-heavy posts and articles that have been the norm on LinkedIn.

Enhanced Engagement

The introduction of a video feed could lead to increased user engagement on the platform. Video content is known to be more engaging and shareable than text-based content, making it a valuable tool for brands and individuals looking to connect with their audience in a more dynamic way.

A Competitive Edge

By incorporating a TikTok-like video feed, LinkedIn is positioning itself to better compete with other social media platforms that have already embraced video content. This move could attract a younger demographic to the platform and drive growth in user numbers and engagement.


In conclusion, LinkedIn’s experiment with a TikTok-like video feed represents a bold step towards modernizing the platform and keeping up with changing trends in social media. If successful, this feature could revolutionize the way professionals interact and share content on LinkedIn, opening up new opportunities for networking and career advancement.

Baca Juga:

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