GPU market reports 6% increase in shipments, notebooks leading the charge

Baca Juga:


According to the latest report from research firm Jon Peddie Research, the GPU market has seen a 6% increase in shipments in the fourth quarter of 2021.

Notebook Segment Leading the Charge:

The report indicates that the notebook segment has been the driving force behind this growth, with increased demand for laptops due to the ongoing trend of remote work and learning.

NVIDIA and AMD Holding Steady:

Despite the overall growth in the GPU market, both NVIDIA and AMD have experienced relatively flat shipments in the fourth quarter. This could be attributed to the global semiconductor shortage and supply chain disruptions.

Intel Gains Market Share:

On the other hand, Intel has seen a notable increase in its GPU shipments, gaining market share in the process. The company’s focus on integrated graphics solutions for laptops and desktops seems to be paying off.


Overall, the GPU market is showing resilience in the face of challenges posed by the pandemic and supply chain issues. The notebook segment, in particular, is proving to be a strong driver of growth, while Intel’s gains indicate a shifting landscape in the GPU market.

Baca Juga:

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