Ghosts Galore: The 10 Best Haunting Movies to Stream Tonight for Maximum Chills

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With Halloween just around the corner, many people are looking for ways to get into the spooky spirit. One popular way to do this is by watching ghost movies. Thankfully, there are plenty of options available for streaming on various platforms. From classic horror films to more modern scares, there is something for everyone to enjoy this season.

The Shining

One of the most iconic ghost movies of all time, *The Shining* follows the story of a man who becomes the caretaker of a haunted hotel. With its eerie setting and unforgettable performance by Jack Nicholson, this film is sure to send chills down your spine.


Another classic ghost movie that is perfect for a fright-filled night is *Poltergeist*. This 1982 film tells the story of a family who is terrorized by supernatural forces in their home. With its blend of horror and family drama, this movie is guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.


For those looking for a modern scare, *Insidious* is a great choice. This 2010 film follows a family as they deal with supernatural occurrences in their home. With its jump scares and tense atmosphere, this movie is sure to leave you feeling spooked.

Paranormal Activity

Another modern classic in the ghost movie genre is *Paranormal Activity*. This found footage film follows a couple as they experience increasingly terrifying encounters with a demon in their home. With its realistic approach to horror, this movie is sure to give you nightmares.

The Conjuring

If you’re a fan of ghost movies with a supernatural twist, *The Conjuring* is a must-watch. This film follows paranormal investigators as they help a family who is being haunted by a malevolent spirit. With its chilling atmosphere and impressive performances, this movie is sure to leave you feeling terrified.


Whether you’re a fan of classic horror films or prefer more modern scares, there are plenty of ghost movies available for streaming that are sure to give you a fright tonight. So grab some popcorn, turn off the lights, and prepare for a night of spooky entertainment.

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