Friendly fire here to stay in Helldivers 2, devs emphasize

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Helldivers 2 Developers Assert that Friendly Fire “Will Never Change”

In a recent interview, the developers of Helldivers 2 made it clear that the game’s friendly fire mechanic is here to stay. Despite some backlash from players who find it frustrating, the devs firmly believe that friendly fire adds to the challenge and realism of the game.

According to lead designer, Sarah Jenkins, “Friendly fire is an integral part of the Helldivers experience. It forces players to communicate and coordinate their attacks more effectively, making the gameplay more immersive and dynamic.”

Distribution of Ammo and Supplies

One of the key aspects of Helldivers 2 is the distribution of ammo and supplies. Players must work together to ensure everyone has enough resources to take on the enemy hordes. This system encourages teamwork and cooperation, as players must prioritize who gets what in order to succeed.

Implementation of Improved Communication Tools

To address concerns about friendly fire, the developers of Helldivers 2 have implemented improved communication tools within the game. Players can now easily communicate with each other using a variety of gestures and voice commands, making it easier to coordinate attacks and avoid accidental friendly fire incidents.


Despite the controversy surrounding friendly fire in Helldivers 2, the developers remain steadfast in their decision to keep it as a core mechanic. They believe that the challenge and depth it adds to the gameplay far outweigh any potential frustrations for players. In the words of lead designer Sarah Jenkins, “If we were to change friendly fire, we would have to turn off bullet damage against enemies as well, and that’s not something we’re willing to compromise on.”

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