Declining a Phone Call Leads to Sibling Estrangement – Ask Amy’s Tips for Reconciliation

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Ask Amy: My brother is giving me the silent treatment after I declined his call


Family dynamics can sometimes be complicated, especially when it comes to communication. In a recent Ask Amy column, a reader shared her concerns about her brother giving her the silent treatment after she declined his call.


The reader explained that she was busy when her brother called and decided to let it go to voicemail. However, when she called him back later, he did not answer. Since then, he has been ignoring her calls and messages, leaving her feeling hurt and confused.


In her response, Amy emphasized the importance of open and honest communication in resolving conflicts within families. She advised the reader to reach out to her brother and express her feelings, while also being willing to listen to his perspective.


While it can be difficult to navigate family relationships, addressing issues head-on is often the best way to maintain a healthy connection. By communicating openly and honestly, the reader may be able to mend the rift with her brother and move forward in a positive way.

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