Capcom vows to improve PC performance for Dragon’s Dogma 2 following player complaints

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Capcom Addresses Dragon’s Dogma 2 PC Performance

Capcom has responded to the recent backlash regarding the PC performance of the highly anticipated game, Dragon’s Dogma 2. The company acknowledged the issues that players have been experiencing and assured fans that they are working diligently to address them.

Distribution of Patches

In a statement released earlier today, Capcom announced that they will be rolling out a series of patches in the coming weeks to improve the overall performance of Dragon’s Dogma 2 on PC. The company stated that these patches will address various technical issues, including frame rate drops and crashes.

Transparency with Players

Capcom also emphasized their commitment to transparency with players, stating that they will keep the community informed about the progress of the patches and any other updates related to the game. The company encouraged players to continue providing feedback and reporting any issues they encounter while playing Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Microtransaction Backlash

Additionally, Capcom addressed the outcry from fans regarding the presence of microtransactions in Dragon’s Dogma 2. The company clarified that while the game does offer optional in-game purchases, they are completely optional and do not affect the core gameplay experience.

Commitment to Fan Feedback

Capcom assured fans that they take player feedback seriously and are committed to creating an enjoyable and fair gaming experience for all players. The company encouraged players to voice their concerns and assured them that they will continue to monitor the situation closely.

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