Apple Vision Pro Headsets Turn Into Nightmare for Users, Blamed for Severe Headaches and Motion Sickness

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Apple Vision Pro Users Return $3.5K Headsets

Technology enthusiasts who eagerly purchased Apple’s highly-anticipated Vision Pro headsets have been left disappointed and physically distressed. Users claim that wearing the advanced headset has caused them extreme headaches and motion sickness, prompting many to liken their experience to a “torture session.”

Unforeseen Side Effects

Despite the hefty price tag of $3,500, purchasers of the Apple Vision Pro have encountered unexpected side effects that have severely affected their overall experience. The highly-touted headset, which promises a state-of-the-art augmented reality experience, has left users feeling physically uncomfortable and unable to enjoy the intended benefits.

User Testimonials Tell a Tale of Misery

Numerous users have taken to social media and online forums to voice their grievances, sharing nightmarish experiences with the Apple Vision Pro headsets. Carl Johnson, a self-proclaimed tech enthusiast, described his ordeal, stating, “As soon as I put on the headset, I felt a pounding headache that would not subside. It was like a vice grip on my temples. I had to remove it immediately to alleviate the pain.”

Headaches and Motion Sickness Dominate Complaints

The reported side effects of the Apple Vision Pro headsets are primarily centered around debilitating headaches and motion sickness. Users claim that wearing the headset for even short durations triggers pounding headaches that can last for several hours. Additionally, motion sickness becomes an immediate and intense issue, creating a deeply unpleasant experience for those hoping to embark on an immersive augmented reality journey.

A Tortuous Experience

The severity of the physical distress experienced by users has led many to liken their time with the Apple Vision Pro headsets to a “torture session.” The excitement and anticipation that surrounded the product’s release have turned into disappointment and frustration for those affected. The high expectation for a flawless and immersive augmented reality experience has been overshadowed by the relentless discomfort caused by these unforeseen side effects.

Apple’s Response and Path Forward

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Apple has urged affected users to return their Apple Vision Pro headsets for a full refund. The tech giant is conducting thorough investigations to identify the root cause of the reported side effects and has expressed a commitment to resolving the issue promptly. Apple has assured its customers that their satisfaction and well-being are paramount, and they will work diligently to rectify the situation.


The highly-anticipated Apple Vision Pro headsets have left users in distress, with complaints of severe headaches and motion sickness overshadowing the augmented reality experience. As affected users return their expensive headsets, Apple faces the challenge of pinpointing and resolving the issue promptly to preserve their reputation for quality and customer satisfaction.

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