AI Tool Developed by Microsoft Accused of Generating Images That Sexualize Subjects

Baca Juga:


According to a recent report released by a Microsoft worker, an AI tool developed by the company has been found to create “sexually objectified” images. The tool, which was trained on a dataset of images containing people, has raised concerns about the implications of using artificial intelligence in image generation.

Concerns Raised

The Microsoft worker, who chose to remain anonymous, expressed concerns about the potential harm that could come from using AI tools that perpetuate harmful stereotypes and objectify individuals. The worker pointed out that the tool tended to focus on certain body parts of individuals in the images, leading to the creation of images that could be considered sexually objectified.

Impact on Society

The worker further highlighted the broader societal implications of using AI tools that create sexually objectified images. They warned that such images could contribute to the perpetuation of harmful ideals and stereotypes, particularly towards women and marginalized communities. The worker emphasized the need for companies to be more conscientious about the potential harm that their AI tools could cause.

Microsoft’s Response

In response to the report, Microsoft released a statement acknowledging the concerns raised by the worker. The company stated that they take the issue seriously and are looking into ways to address the problem. Microsoft assured the public that they are committed to creating AI tools that are ethical and respectful towards all individuals.


The report from the Microsoft worker sheds light on the potential pitfalls of using AI tools in image generation. It serves as a reminder of the importance of considering the societal impact of technology and the need for ethical practices in AI development. As companies continue to innovate with artificial intelligence, it is crucial that they prioritize the well-being and dignity of individuals in their creations.

Baca Juga:

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