AI Hub from Qualcomm Offers 75 Free Models for Developers to Explore

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Qualcomm has recently unveiled its new platform called AI Hub, which many are calling the first true ‘App Store’ for AI. With this new platform, Qualcomm aims to provide developers access to a wide range of AI models to help accelerate the development of AI applications.

75 models available for free

One of the key features of AI Hub is that it comes with 75 pre-trained models that developers can use for free. These models cover a variety of use cases, from image recognition to natural language processing, making it easier for developers to integrate AI into their applications.

Exclusive access for developers

However, while the models are free to use, developers will need to have some programming knowledge in order to take full advantage of AI Hub. This means that the platform is more geared towards developers who have some experience with AI and are looking to further their skills in this area.


In conclusion, Qualcomm’s AI Hub is a step towards democratizing AI development by providing developers with access to a wide range of pre-trained models. While the platform is free to use, it is mainly targeted towards developers who have some experience with AI. With AI Hub, Qualcomm hopes to help accelerate the development of AI applications and make AI more accessible to a wider audience.

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