2 min read

Fan-favorite character now recruitable in Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 6: Minthara joins party after key mission success

New Recruitment Opportunity
With the introduction of Minthara as a recruitable character, players now have the chance to add her unique abilities and perspective to their party. This presents a fresh opportunity for players to explore new storylines and potential interactions within the game.

1 min read

Don’t Miss Out: PS5 Deal Offers Major AAA Game for a Bargain Price of $4

Starting today, gamers have the opportunity to take advantage of a limited-time deal that allows them to purchase a popular AAA game for just $4 with the purchase of a PS5 console.

2 min read

Baldur’s Gate 3 Wins Prestigious Award, Denied Entry to Afterparty

Youngblood Games, the developers behind the critically acclaimed Baldur’s Gate 3, have once again found themselves in the spotlight after winning yet another Game of the Year (GOTY) award. The prestigious honor was bestowed upon them by the Gamers’ Choice Awards, solidifying their status as a powerhouse in the gaming industry.

2 min read

Owners shocked as Wyze cameras inadvertently share live footage of strangers’ residences

In yet another privacy breach, owners of Wyze cameras have reported being able to access live feeds from cameras in other people’s homes without their knowledge.

3 min read

Apple Pioneers Virtual Card Number Generation in iOS 17.4 Beta, Enhancing User Security

Apple’s latest iOS 17.4 beta release introduces a significant feature that allows Apple Cash users to generate virtual card numbers. With this new capability, users can enhance their security and privacy while making transactions online or in-person.

3 min read

Major Update: WhatsApp to Roll Out Cross-Device Chat Protection

WhatsApp, the popular messaging app owned by Facebook, is reportedly working on a new feature that will allow users to keep their chats protected across multiple devices. This much-awaited update could offer greater convenience and enhanced security for millions of WhatsApp users around the world.

3 min read

WhatsApp Set to Revolutionize Messaging with Inter-App Chatting Capability

WhatsApp has announced its plans to enable seamless communication between its users and those on other messaging apps. This feature will cover various platforms, including Facebook Messenger and Instagram. The company aims to enhance user experience by integrating these diverse messaging services. Here’s how WhatsApp plans to implement this groundbreaking initiative.

3 min read

Battle of the Consoles Comes to a Close, but Influencers Resist Change

In the realm of video gaming, the console wars have long been a fierce battleground where fans passionately defended their favorite gaming systems. However, recent developments suggest that the era of intense competition between gaming consoles is coming to an end. Despite this, certain influencers within the gaming industry refuse to let go of the console wars narrative.

2 min read

Get Ready to Engage with Virtual Objects Like Never Before: Apple Vision Pro Beta Gives Users the Power to Bring Them Closer

In a significant move towards expanding its virtual reality capabilities, Apple has launched its first-ever Vision Pro beta program. This beta version enables users to experience an enhanced virtual reality environment and brings virtual items closer to the viewer. This groundbreaking technology is set to revolutionize the way people engage with virtual content.