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Epic Games Faces Backlash for Controversial Decision to Scrap Fortnite’s Cosmetic Rarity System

Epic Games Faces Backlash for Controversial Decision to Scrap Fortnite’s Cosmetic Rarity System

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Epic Games, the developer of the popular battle royale game Fortnite, made a controversial decision recently that has outraged many of its players. The company removed the cosmetics’ rarity system and started selling skins that were deemed overpriced by the gaming community.

Outrage among Players

The decision has sparked outrage among players who believe that the removal of the rarity system undermines the value of in-game cosmetics. Many players have taken to social media to express their anger at Epic Games for what they perceive as a greedy move.

Epic’s Response

In response to the backlash, Epic Games issued a statement defending their decision and explaining their rationale behind it. The company maintains that the new pricing model is meant to provide more flexibility to players and allow them to better customize their in-game characters.

Player’s Reactions

Despite Epic Games’ explanation, players remain upset with the changes and are calling for the company to revert to the old cosmetic rarity system. Many players feel that the new pricing model is unfair and makes it difficult for them to obtain the skins they want without spending a fortune.


In conclusion, Epic Games has made a misstep by removing the cosmetic rarity system in Fortnite and introducing overpriced skins. The backlash from players shows that the gaming community values fairness and transparency when it comes to in-game purchases. Epic Games will need to reconsider their pricing strategy if they want to maintain the trust and loyalty of their players.

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